
Friday, August 17, 2012


Golden Banana, Musa aromatica, now-now terbaur with banana muli / mahuli / uli ... indeed in some areas they call the golden banana is actually a muli banana, banana muli itself is actually still an instance of the type of plantain .. of course the banana shape is more slender and pointed mahuli, while gold berfisik buntet bananas, fat, plump with yellow color of the older and from a sense apalgi ngejreng ... .. all kinds of gold bananas, sweet, sweet with a soft texture while banana mahuli / uli rather doormat.
Meat tenderness can be said the main feature, so in Cambodia golden banana is also called banana egg, because of its mild texture resembling the texture of the meat boiled egg whites ... And it turns out pengistilahan by 'traditional society ndeso' is not wrong at all, because laboratory studies reveal bananas contain egg whites and banana emaslah the most ...
According to research bananas contain, among others:
Vitamin A, B1, CLemakMineral (potassium, chlorine, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus) KarbohidratDextroseAirSucroseLevuloseZat telurZat White Flour
In Cambodia a long history of gold bananas can trace to look at the origins and historical linkages with the past life, because until now the tradition is still maintained and preserved 'history' in many people's stories ... gold banana became one of the identity of Cambodia, even though today is the largest manufacturer of Thailand ... and 50% banana suppliers to Asia is Indonesia.
Golden Banana is one of a kind that is localized sajen menu or traditional ceremonies in Indonesia, so getting away from the public interest ... However, (contradiction), bananas are far from the gold it produced the Indonesian market and into industrial exports ... you can googling recipes from europe or buleid using gold as a banana or choose options for high class food preparations bananas ... I also knew in college and worked long ago in the hotel and an international star restaurant ...
In a scientific study of perception that there are two golden bananas originated from Africa before going to Asia, and the perception that gold is a declared banana crops native region southeast asia .... My post about the golden banana position in Cambodia at the beginning of the above paragraph is for this reason, that there is a golden banana in the historical record is far more than what was said earlier natural historians from Africa into Asia in the heyday of the empire east-central spread to asia ... even some who think bananas are carried along with the spread of Islam to asia .... (For bananas listed in a paragraph in the Qu'ran times .. ya!)
Therefore, I will lift the history of the perception of native plants south east asia .. http://migroplus.com/brosur/Budidaya% 20pisang.pdf
HISTORY PISANGPisang is a herbaceous fruit plants originating from areas in Southeast Asia (including Indonesia). These plants then spread to Africa (Madagascar), South and Central America, also to the southern peninsula of Europe (spain, italy).
Banana plants like the outdoor area is enough sunlight, suitable to grow in lowland until height of 1000 meters above sea level. Basically the banana plant is a plant that does not have a true stem. Trunk formed from the development and growth of the stem bark surrounding the soft shaft length, the actual banana stem weevil found in hidden in the ground.
Local Name: Banana (UK), Tsiu, Cha (China), Pisyanga, Kila (India) Bananas (Indonesia), Klue (Thailand), Pyaw, Nget (Burma); Gedang (Java), Cau (Sunda), Biu (Bali), Puti (Lampung); Wusak Lambi, Lutu (Gorontalo), Kulo (Ambon), Uki (East)
PenanamanHampir center at any place can be easily found for banana plants. Banana production centers in West Java is Cianjur, Sukabumi and the area around Cirebon. Indonesia is one country that supplies tropical banana fresh / dried to Japan, Hongkong, China, Singapore, Arab, Australia, the Netherlands, the United States and France. The highest export value in 1997 was to China.
BotaniDivisi: SpermatophytaSub Division: AngiospermaeKelas: MonocotyledonaeFamili: MusaceaeGenus: MusaSpesies: Musa spp.
JenisJenis bananas, among others: Bananas are eaten without cooking, namely M. paradisiaca var. Sapientum, M. nana or also known as M. cavendishii, M. sinensis. For example: Pisang Ambon, Banana Milk, Banana King, Cavendish Banana, Banana and Banana Mas.Pisang Barangan are eaten after the fruit is cooked, the M. paradisiaca forma Typica or also known as M. normalis paradisiaca. For example: Banana Jackfruit, Banana Horn, and Banana Kepok.Pisang seed, namely M. brachycarpa that in Indonesia used its leaves. Contonya: Bananas and Banana Stone Klutuk.Pisang drawn fiber, Banana contonnya Manila (Abaca).
TanamanPisang benefits are a very nutritious fruit that is a source of vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates. Bananas are used as table fruit, sale of bananas, mashed bananas and banana flour. Banana peel can be used to make vinegar through fermentation of alcohol and vinegar. Banana leaf is used as the variety of food wrappers trandisional Indonesia.
Abaca banana processed into fibers for clothing, paper etc.. Rod was cut into small banana and banana leaves can be fed to ruminants (sheep, goats) during the dry season when grass is not / less traditional tersedia.Secara, water banana stem tuber kepok used as a remedy dysentery and intestinal bleeding of the water while the banana stem used as a pain medication urine and detoxification.Pisang Mas also manifold, one of the greatest that has been entered into the industry is the Golden Banana Kirana. Banana is a little larger than other small gold banana .. but still with the characteristic semok, dumpy, fat, CABI and chibi-chibi ... and yellow skin color is more golden than other types pisang2 ...

http://www.antarajatim.com/lihat/berita/75567/pisang-mas-kirana-dapat-kurangi-stress wrote: In Lumajang, East Java, we can find mas kirana banana and fruit only grows on the slopes Mount Semeru with a height of 3676 meters above sea level (masl), so it is not found in other areas.
"Pisang mas kirana has advantages over other bananas when eaten the right size, looks pretty with long rounded fruit shape and fruit lingir barely visible, yellow fruit skin clean, and bright yellow flesh with a sweet taste and sticky," said the officer extension workers (PPL) District Senduro, Lumajang, Lili.
According to him, the banana is a fruit that has enough nutrients and rich in minerals such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, and iron.
"Bananas contain vitamin B6 kirana mas is quite high because of serotonin in vitamin B6 plays a role in protein synthesis and metabolism, even brain serotonin may provide nutrition to their daily activities," he said.
In addition, he said, mas kirana banana can reduce depression or stress due to take bananas mas kirana can help calm the nerves. The content of vitamin B levels are high on a banana can help calm the nervous system and potassium content is more beneficial to reduce stress and depression.
"Bananas also contain tryptophan, a type of protein that is converted into serotonin (a substance that can alter mood) in the body, thus providing a sense of relaxation, improve mood and make happy," he explains.
When compared to apples, bananas contain four times as much protein, twice the carbohydrate, three times the phosphorus, five times more vitamin A and iron, and twice as many vitamins and minerals.
The nutrients contained in each fruit ripe banana is 99 calories, 1.2 grams protein, 0.2 grams fat, 25.8 mg of carbohydrates, 0.7 grams fiber, 8 mg calcium, phosphorus 28 mg, 0.5 mg iron , 44 RE vitamin A, 0.08 mg vitamin B, vitamin C as much as 3 mg and 72 grams of water. "

Lumajang, or a banana town, is one of the largest suppliers of bananas are golden kirana supply to the LN and self-service distributors Indonesia.

Various utilization of bananas in the tradition of Indonesia ...
ManfaatBuahnya banana is the main product. Bananas are better utilized in a state of raw, or cooked, or processed in certain ways. Bananas can be processed into flour, chips, 'puree', beer (Africa), vinegar, or dehydrated. Banana leaves are used to scrub the floor, as the foundation 'kastrol' place making the rice 'liwet', and a variety of food packaging. Fibers to make fabrics can be obtained from the quasi-rod. Vegetative parts and fruits that are not utilized used as animal feed; vegetative parts were especially used if feed and water is difficult to obtain (pseudo stem that contains a lot of water). Banana plants (or leaves and fruit) also plays a role in traditional ceremonies, such as in Indonesia, for the wedding ceremony, when building a house, and local religious ceremonies.
In the treatment, which was rolled in banana leaves are used as a medicine chest pains and as a cold poultice for skin swelling or blisters. Water discharged from the base of the stem is used for plugging injected into the urethra to treat syphilis, dysentery, and diarrhea; water is also used to stop hair loss and stimulate hair growth. Discharge from the roots of anti-fever and has the power restoration. In the form of flour, bananas are used in cases of anemia and fatigue casa in general, as well as for the malnutrition. The immature fruit is part of the diet for people who suffer from coughing up blood (haemoptysis) and diabetes. In the dry state, bananas are antisariawan intestine. Perfectly ripe fruit is a delicacy when eaten early in the morning. Made from banana flour is used for indigestion and flatulence accompanied by excess acid.
Cancer PerutAnak shredded banana tree trunks and taken as much as 4 cups water, then boiled together with a piece of mistletoe tea plants to boil down to 2 cups. Taken 2 times a day 1 cup, morning and afternoon and carried out regularly.
KuningMakan sick banana the ripe gold are numerous.
Pisang Ambon BerencanaBunga family boiled with water to a boil. Drinking water 2 times a day, morning and before bed. Performed for 7 consecutive days after menstruation or childbirth.
Intestinal bleeding BesarAnak banana shredded and squeezed to take the water in as much as 2 cups of boiled and then along the parasite stump tea to boil down to 1 cup. Filtered and taken 2 times a day 1 cup.
Bleeding RahimAnak shredded banana and as much as 2 cups of water taken. Then boiled together with the weevil parasite tea to boil down to 1 cup. Filtered and drink 1 a day 1/2 cup.
Preventing Bleeding After MelahirkanBatang shredded banana tree to take water. Filtered and taken 2 times a day 1/2 cup.
Thrush UsusKulit kluthuk the ripe bananas and raw bananas sliced ​​thin, then finely ground, squeezed to drain and diembun-embunkan overnight outside the home. Drinking after waking up / early morning.
Vagina close up and prevent PendarahanBatang decapitated banana tree to take water is clean. Used to wash the vagina after childbirth.
AmbeienBuah kluthuk banana is still raw, shredded to take water. Then mixed with fennel pulasari taste and 1 piece of brown sugar and stir until evenly distributed. Filtered and drunk.
Smallpox AirBonggol kluthuk shredded banana trunks to take water, then mixed with other ingredients until evenly distributed. Filtered and drunk.
Ear BengkakKulit kustruk baked banana and warm in the state is squeezed to take water. Smeared on the ear swelling.
BengkakBonggol banana sour throat (kepok) grated and squeezed to take water. Used to gargle.
DisentriBonggol kluthuk shredded banana to take water as much as 1/2 cup drunk 3 days
Diarrhea (adults) Bananas burnt lime and eaten raw.
Diarrhea (Infant) Bananas kapok (kepok) raw sliced ​​and fried without minyak.Dimakan by mothers who are breastfeeding the baby.
AmandelBonggol shredded banana trunks and squeezed to take water and drunk.
Moreover, especially in East Java, including in schools, pesantren, gold bananas into the main menu as well as students-students into the main menu as 'jamu courage'. In the community also became one of the 'terms' in a kind of mystical ritual 'pellets'.How in the eyes of faith Himatul LSBD Indonesia ... In addition to a menu already in practice ... recently through the GU golden banana is said to be Lemurian Staple Food nation, instead of rice / rice .... and is highly recommended to be first and foremost food after the milk began to enter a period when the addition of extra nutrients than breast milk ...
I personally recommend to us-we are members, along with food self-sufficiency and a one-stop program, should include the Golden Banana as one kind of plant that will dibudidayakannya green coconut and cassava in addition to ... spinach may be an option for vegetables ...
However, once again, it is important to sort out the seeds ... the traditional and still try to avoid two things: 1. seeds or plants of the industry, the pattern of planting and fertilizing as well as a full treatment of inorganic chemistry destroyer could reduce or even eliminate the chemical balance alaminya.2. seed and industrial plants that have resulted from the lab ...
why my post is a type of banana gold, namely kirana, is to show that the golden banana was already a lot of 'modified' ...
For purchases, the logic may be better to buy gold from artisan Rampe bananas instead of the supermarket or a distributor on the market ... to seed better looking than land not planted to the industry, but who grew up as a sideline or extra in their land ..
Why does the Lemurian (by GU) chose bananas as a staple food? Here what can we conclude from the data that is spread wide ...
Bananas have a very good nutrient content, such as energy supply is quite high compared to other fruits and can be produced quickly while providing the energy reserve. Bananas are rich in minerals such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, and calcium. Bananas also contain vitamin, namely C, B complex, B6, and active as neurotransmitter serotonin in the smooth functioning of the brain.
Energy EnergiNilai banana about 136 calories for every 100 grams, which as a whole come from carbohydrates.
Energy content of the banana is an instant energy, which is easily available in a short time, making it useful in providing instantaneous calorie needs. Therefore, many athletes during rest breaks or eating bananas as an energy reserve.
Carbohydrates provide energy banana slightly slower than with sugar and syrup, but much faster than rice, biscuits, and a kind of bread. Carbohydrate is a complex carbohydrate and available levels are gradually, so as to provide energy in the not too fast. In addition, carbohydrates bananas are an excellent energy reserves are used and can be quickly made available to tubuh.Sehingga banana is the best alternative for providing energy in times of rest or pause, when the brain is quickly available energy needed for biological activity.
Banana fruit sugar is sugar, which is composed of fructose which has a lower glycemic index than glucose, so it is quite good as a store of energy for a little more slowly metabolized. After working hard or think, always arise drowsiness. This situation is a sign of the brain is deprived of energy, so that biological activity also menurun.Untuk doing, it requires energy in the form of glucose. Blood glucose is very vital for the brain to function properly, among others, expressed in the ability of memory.
Glucose is mainly derived from the blood circulation of the brain due to glycogen as a glucose reserve is very limited existence.
Blood glucose is mainly derived from dietary intake of carbohydrates.
Well, from this information: Bananas have two functions, as a provider of instant energy after the move during breaks, and the provider of the energy reserve for the next activity because it provides bertahapEnerji provide it can be absorbed quickly.
In addition, bananas fat content was very low at only 0.13 percent. Therefore, do not be afraid of being overweight despite eating a banana in large quantities.
MineralPisang rich in minerals such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, and iron.
When compared with other types of plant foods, minerals, bananas, especially iron, nearly all (100 percent) is absorbed by the body.
Based on dry weight, iron content bananas reach 2 milligrams per 100 grams and 0.8 mg zinc. Compare this with the apple, which only contains 0.2 mg iron and 0.1 mg of zinc for the weight of 100 grams.
Vitamin content is very high, especially provitamin A, beta-carotene that is, by 45 mg per 100 g dry weight, while the apple is only 15 mg. Bananas also contain vitamin B, namely thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, and vitamin B6 (piridoxin).
The content of vitamin B6 bananas is quite high, amounting to 0.5 mg per 100 grams. In addition to functioning as a coenzyme for several reactions in metabolism, vitamin B6 plays a role in protein synthesis and metabolism, especially serotonin. Serotonin is believed to play an active role as a neurotransmitter in the smooth functioning of the brain.
Vitamin B6 also plays a role in the metabolism of energy derived from carbohydrates. The role of vitamin B6 is clearly supporting the availability of energy for the brain to daily activities.
From here we can see that the Lemurian is a nation that is always active, always use its energy mainly to the brain .. therefore require food that provide energy quickly and even instant, and provide sufficient supply for the next activity, especially the supply of the brain .. and the characteristics of such pisanglah
then why is gold banana? ... of meat texture and taste that much sweeter ... then look again at the data content of bananas in general, not difficult to conclude what we supplied more bananas than any other of this type ...
Banana plant resistance
When the 1997 outbreak of Pseudomonas and Fusarium struck people as well as a banana plantation estates in Indonesia, but no banana plants that survived. First, who could escaped the disease is a type of banana "naughty" as mas, muli, and candles. But bananas are highly susceptible diseases such as yellow kepok, ambon yellow, lemon grass king, king of fur and horns, is still there were no survivors. The bananas are always in the garden or yard with plants that campuraduk population. Various types of banana are there, different types of plants are also up in the garden. Ranging from annual crops such as turmeric and taro to tenaman hard as bamboo, banana and coconut. Place the banana plant grows escaped the disease was always very fertile and rich in organic material. In the long dry season, air and soil moisture also remains terjada well.
In contrast, banana plantations were destroyed by the disease are monoculture crops, varieties and even mono. That is, a banana plantation with vast expanses of the unit was only planted bananas and consists of only one type. The most extreme example is the Cavendish banana plantation. Although the garden is equipped with a 1 m wide drainage ditch. with a depth of 1.5 m, given by the technique sprinkle irrigation, fertilizers and pesticides sprayed rutun, but still out of developing the disease. PT Nusantara garden Tropical Fruits 2,000 hectares in Lampung, lived hundreds of acres of survivors. Indonesia PT Global Agronusa garden area of ​​3,000 hectares in Halmahera, Maluku, even destroyed by this disease. Banana plants of the people with commercial species such as yellow Ambon, etc. Barangan. also destroyed by the disease earlier. A former regent in South Sumatra are trying to develop a banana monoculture Barangan also suffered such fate.
Conclusion: do not plant one type and age in an area of ​​land or land ... plant species 'original' is not the culture industry (in the form of tablets or bottled seedlings, A0) ... treatment with pure organic ....
Based on the facts: 1. genealogical tree, or AA diploid banana mas, muli and lilin2. fact-based resistance to pests and penyakit3. based on nutrient content and panjangnya4 history. based on the credibility of the contradictions and imbalances lead to the pollution of 'good name', where the banana is the third local humbled, and bananas mas submerged to the bottom of the lowest place (used as a food sajen aka genie) ..
We can draw conclusions about these three types of bananas ... or derived from the 'ancestors' original breed that produces derivatives of the types of bananas are now hundreds of thousands of its kind ... is the best group of three ... gold in the numero uno, muli in the runner-up and maybe a candle in third place .... why muli at number two? because the muli is the oldest type after gold, and small sama2 (in the banana world believed the theory of the smaller more dense nutrient) ...
But once again all the bananas from the "food table" ... point that should be eaten directly without being processed first, everything is fine ... that is, not merely stuck and "ah ga I can buy psaing mas .." of postingan2 can be concluded, but was answerable directly consumed, then choose from the sequence of derivatives, diploid (AA) and triploid (AAA) ...
If keukeuh with gold banana is not necessarily better than a banana or banana muli other, because the banana was already anticipated dong mas, which means the market is no longer the original mas banana, banana tuh on page one mas is well cultivated and exported commodities or commodity plantation for the commercialization of its title (which terselubungnya right to ensure our nation has always been developed and developing ga) ... in addition to the builders buy Rampe (who menujual offerings) Best option is to cultivate and develop it themselves ... because of the anti Lemurian's never complacent and always be watching over that he know of the origin of the 3rd Lemurian.
Sources: http://forum.hikmatul-iman.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=1687&start=10


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